
7 Easy DIY Ayurvedic Face Masks

7 Easy DIY Ayurvedic Face Masks Our daily life and activities can take a huge toll on our skin. Whether it’s fighting stress, pollution, not getting enough sleep, dealing with allergies, infections, health issues, or perhaps just having a bad skin day. You name it and your skin will show it. If you are not […]

Why Do We Get Sick?

Why Do We Get Sick? What is sickness? What is health? Why do we fall ill? Is it because of the lifestyle that we lead? The environment we live in? The bacteria and viruses we get exposed to? The food we eat? Our mental state of mind? The answer is that it could be any […]

Ayurveda, Yoga and Diet

Ayurveda, Yoga and Diet And he knew that food was Brahman, From food all beings are born, By food they live and into food they return. – Taiitiriya Upanishad 3.2 Anna (Food), is the first Sanskrit word for Brahman, the Supreme Godhead. It is the basis of Life, Prana. It carries the life-force and sustains […]

Indian Temples: An Insight Into The Indian Spiritual Dwellings

Indian Temples: An Insight Into The Indian Spiritual Dwellings Previous Next Above: A few images to show the range of Indian temples As I was born in India, all through my childhood and even today when I go back to visit family, I inevitably end up visiting temples. Temples are an essential part of a […]

The 3 Doshas: Explained

The 3 Doshas: Explained Vata: Space + Air Vata is a composition of the elements of Space and Air and it means “wind” or “that which makes things flow or move” It is also called the ‘king of Doshas’ as it is the energy of movement and the force governing all greater biological activities. This […]

How does Ayurveda work?

How does Ayurveda work? Ayurveda is based on the principles of three Doshas. Doshas are the energies/life force that make up every individual, which perform different physiological functions in the body. Doshas are biological energies that exist in our very being and all of nature. They govern all physical and mental processes and can be found […]

Ayurveda for skin

Ayurveda for Skin In Ayurveda, our skin is constituted into 3 types (dosha/s); Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each of these can be characterised into typical internal and external traits. Sometimes, one of these constitution types is thrown out of balance from its status quo due to various factors like seasonal changes, lifestyle factors, stress, health […]

What is Ayurveda?

What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is literally called ‘Science of Life’. It is a complex and oldest medical system about how to achieve a healthy and balanced lifestyle by knowing and looking within oneself. According to Indian mythology, Ayurveda’s concept and ethos came into existence by Brahma (the creator of the universe). It represents a healing […]

Mineral oils truth

Mineral oils are petrochemicals. They are non-degradable, non-renewable and can cause global warming. Vaseline, so very frequently used is another grade of mineral oil. It’s also called Paraffin wax or Petrolatum. The oil version (like in baby oils) is called Liquid paraffin or Liquid Petrolatum. How are mineral oils extracted? Mineral oil is a refined […]

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