The 3 Doshas: Explained

The 3 Doshas: Explained

Vata: Space + Air

Vata is a composition of the elements of Space and Air and it means “wind” or “that which makes things flow or move” It is also called the ‘king of Doshas’ as it is the energy of movement and the force governing all greater biological activities. This dosha gives motion to Pitta and Kapha and influences activities like respiration, muscle and tissue movement, your heartbeat, and cellular activity, among other things.

People with Vata dosha have a tendency towards dry and rough skin and is cold to the touch. This type of skin does not have highlighted or large pores and hence, people with vata skin are less likely to suffer from acne or breakouts. But because it is thin, it is more prone to premature aging and wrinkling and blood vessels tend to look more prominent under the skin, making the skin look greyish or dull. Exposure to harsh elements (like weather/pollution), incompatible food (cold, rough, dry, etc.), lack of water and oil/fat, excessive mental/ physical activity and insufficient rest can aggravate aging in this skin type.

Pitta: Fire + Water

Pitta derives from the elements of Fire and Water and translates as “that which cooks.” It is the energy of digestion and metabolism in the body that functions through carrier substances such as organic acids, hormones, enzymes, and bile. Pitta levels have a direct impact on digestive and metabolic function, including the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, regulation of body temperature, and so on.

People with Pitta dosha have the tendency to be fair, reddish or freckled. They are affected by heat and sun and can burn easily. They tend to have sensitive or oily skin, which can be prone to acne and inflammation and can be susceptible to rashes, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. Pitta skin looks ruddy, is warm to the touch and tends to have freckles and moles more than the other skin types. This skin type tends to have an oily ‘t-zone’ and the cheeks are generally dry. Therefore, it can also be called as combination skin type, since it is somewhere in between Vata and Kapha skin types. Toxins build up can manifest in the skin as inflammation, blemishes and breakouts. Incompatible foods (oily, sour, acidic, spicy etc.), stress and chemicals can agitate this skin type.

Kapha: Water + Earth

Kapha derives from the elements of Water and Earth and translates as “that which sticks.” It is the energy of building and lubrication that provides the body with physical form, structure, and the smooth functioning of all its parts. It functions as the glue or binding force that holds cells together. Kapha levels have an impact on lubrication of the joints, skin moisture, and immune function.

People with Kapha dosha tend to have skin that tends to deviate towards having more Earth-like qualities. It can be soft, greasy, thick, heavy, cool to touch and more tolerant of the sun. Kapha skin is oily all over and tends to have large pores. Due to excess sebum secretion, the pores can easily get clogged resulting in acne and blackheads. This skin type commonly suffers from eczema and is more prone to have pus-filled cystic acne, which can leave behind scars. Incompatible food (sweet, salty, oily, dairy products, etc.) and a sedentary lifestyle can agitate this skin type. But because this skin type is moist, plump and thick, it can stay youthful for a very long time. When the kapha dosha is balanced, this skin type can be the most glowing and beautiful.

Your skin may exhibit tendencies of more than one dosha :

Sometimes, our skin may not adhere to a particular ‘type’ all through the year. Skin can get affected by changes in weather, temperature, lifestyle, diet, health problems, stress, etc. This means that sometimes (for e.g.) Vata skin may get breakouts, Pitta skin may become dry all over, or Kapha skin can get inflammation or become sensitive. In such situations, it is important to change your regular skincare routine to calm, regulate and balance the dosha which has suddenly made an appearance. For example, if Pitta skin becomes dry all over, use Vata approach and include extra hydrating and soothing ingredients in your skincare.

The 3 Doshas: Explained
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